
PRP-Shot For Male Sexual Rejuvenation

The PRP-Shot can help men improve their sexual performance through increasing the libido, growth, more stamina and stronger erections. A natural male enhancement without drugs or surgery.

What is the PRP-Shot ?

The PRP-Shot treatment is a natural alternative for men to enhance their sexual performance by using your own platelets from your blood. These platelets are growth factors from your body which work by increasing blood flow to the penis, resulting in stronger, harder erections as well as a more youthful appearance.

Not only are erections stronger, but most patients notice an increase of 10-20% in both the length and girth of the penis, which boosts confidence and enhances the libido. The growth factors taken from your blood before treatment are injected into the penis directly to give the best results – but don’t worry, there’s minimal discomfort during treatment!

Treatment Overview


30 – 90 minutes.


Yes – topical cream.


24 hours.




24 – 48 hours.


Long-term results.

PRP-Shot For Male Sexual Rejuvenation FAQ's

Men who opt for The PRP-Shot over alternative invasive surgeries or medications receive an effective result which is completely natural. There is also little to no downtime with the PRP-Shot and minimal discomfort as we apply a topical anaesthetic cream. The PRP-Shot allows men to have a better quality erection and heightens the pleasure and sensations during sex.

There have been zero claims of side effects caused by any procedure using platelets. This is because the platelets and growth factors injected back into your body comes from you. It is your blood which is drawn, thus your platelets which are injected. It is extremely uncommon for your body to reject something which has come from you in the start.

Why Choose Dr. Victoria Clinic?

At Dr Victoria Clinic, our experienced and highly qualified doctors understand that aesthetics is not a one-size-fits-all approach. We tailor each treatment to the individual to ensure the best, most natural results. Understanding the contours and shape of your face and body allows us to identify the most appropriate treatment for you.

Our treatments are often a blend of technologically advanced procedures and more traditional approaches while we give the best patient care from the moment you come in for a consultation. This patient care doesn’t just stop after your treatment, but we offer free ongoing advice to our patients whenever they have any questions.

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